Port 53


picoCTF2019 Reverse Engineering WriteUP

picoCTF2019のReverse Engineering分野のWriteUPを書く

Reverse Engineering

vault-door-training (50pt)

素直にエディタで開いてみる。 パスワードをソースコードに直接書くのはあかんやつ...

    // The password is below. Is it safe to put the password in the source code?
    // What if somebody stole our source code? Then they would know what our
    // password is. Hmm... I will think of some ways to improve the security
    // on the other doors.
    // -Minion #9567
    public boolean checkPassword(String password) {
        return password.equals("w4rm1ng_Up_w1tH_jAv4_c0b141c5e30");


vault-door-1 (100pt)


    // I came up with a more secure way to check the password without putting
    // the password itself in the source code. I think this is going to be
    // UNHACKABLE!! I hope Dr. Evil agrees...
    // -Minion #8728
    public boolean checkPassword(String password) {
        return password.length() == 32 &&
               password.charAt(0)  == 'd' &&
               password.charAt(29) == '7' &&
               password.charAt(4)  == 'r' &&
               password.charAt(2)  == '5' &&
               password.charAt(23) == 'r' &&
               password.charAt(3)  == 'c' &&
               password.charAt(17) == '4' &&
               password.charAt(1)  == '3' &&
               password.charAt(7)  == 'b' &&
               password.charAt(10) == '_' &&
               password.charAt(5)  == '4' &&
               password.charAt(9)  == '3' &&
               password.charAt(11) == 't' &&
               password.charAt(15) == 'c' &&
               password.charAt(8)  == 'l' &&
               password.charAt(12) == 'H' &&
               password.charAt(20) == 'c' &&
               password.charAt(14) == '_' &&
               password.charAt(6)  == 'm' &&
               password.charAt(24) == '5' &&
               password.charAt(18) == 'r' &&
               password.charAt(13) == '3' &&
               password.charAt(19) == '4' &&
               password.charAt(21) == 'T' &&
               password.charAt(16) == 'H' &&
               password.charAt(27) == '1' &&
               password.charAt(30) == 'f' &&
               password.charAt(25) == '_' &&
               password.charAt(22) == '3' &&
               password.charAt(28) == 'e' &&
               password.charAt(26) == '5' &&
               password.charAt(31) == 'd';
